“the Qur’an’s approach in establishing kinship and demonstrating its virtues”


  • Salama abdennasser Researcher in quranic studies




upholding kinship ties, social relations, the Qur’an approach, - the quantitative approach, - the qualitative approach


“the Qur’an’s approach in establishing kinship and demonstrating its virtues”



Salama abdennasser


Reviewed on: 24/09/2022.

Publication approved on: 17/11/2022.

Published in the: 14th issue January 2023.

Period of review and publication approval letter: (54 days).

Average period of review and publication: (77 days).

Email: abdennasser4sabah@gmail.com



This research dealt with a valuable topic that falls within social relations, which is the issue of upholding ties of kinship, through a reflection of the approach adopted by the Qur’an in establishing this quality and demonstrating its virtues. This was the essence of the topic.

In addition to that, the research also included an explanation of the concept of kinship ties as an additional compound, then as a title. It also talked about the most prominent Qur’anic expressions used to denote the kinship, such as: kinship, lineage, clan, and others.

This research was concluded with results, including:

- Upholding ties of kinship is rightly considered one of the greatest Qur’anic qualities that a believer can embody in his life, and by it he draws closer to his Lord.

- Upholding ties of kinship is the connection of the relatives, whoever they were; That is: without restriction of sanctity, inheritance, paternity, motherhood, kinship or distance in lineage.

- Upholding ties of kinship is a title given to benevolence towards relatives other than parents. For charity to parents has its own title, which is “honoring one’s parents.”

- The Qur’an adopted two prominent approaches in determining the upholding ties of kinship, namely: the quantitative approach based on the repetition of verses on this subject, albeit with different methods, and the qualitative approach that clarifies those methods.

- The methods used within the qualitative approach in establishing this subject are very numerous, and some of them are clear, and some are hidden that require contemplation and reflection. Also, some of them relate to the aspect of rhetoric and Quranic systems, and some of them refer to the aspect of legislation.

This, in addition to many other results, and useful recommendations, which I mentioned in the conclusion of the research.

Keywords: upholding kinship ties- social relations- the Qur’an approach- the quantitative approach- the qualitative approach.




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Author Biography

Salama abdennasser, Researcher in quranic studies

المدرس لمادة التربية الإسلامية بالسلك الثانوي الإعدادي؛ (خريج المركز التربوي الجهوي لتكوين الأساتذة، وجدة: 2011م. تخصص: التربية الإسلامية).

مواليد: زايو- المملكة المغربية.

حاصل على درجة الماجستير في الدراسات القرآنية بالغرب الإسلامي: قضايا ومناهج، بالكلية المتعددة التخصصات- الناظور. بأطروحته: "دلالات الآيات الكونية من خلال تفسير ابن عاشور؛ "التحرير والتنوير"، سُوَر المفصل نموذجًا".

  • بعض النتاج العلميِّ:

- "دلالات الآيات الكونية من خلال تفسير ابن عاشور؛ "التحرير والتنوير"، سُوَر المفصل نموذجًا"، مجلة تدبر، السنة 7، العدد 13، المحرم 1444هـ - أغسطس 2022م.

- " تجليات الحكمة في وصايا لقمان لابنه"، مجلة الأزهر، مجمع البحوث الإسلامية- مصر، (العدد: ذو القعدة، 1439هـ- يوليو 2018 م، الجزء 11، السنة 91).

- " مراتب التدرج في التشريع"، مجلة البعث الإسلاميِّ، الهند، (العدد 2، المجلد 67، شعبان 1442 هـ - أبريل 2021 م).

- مقالاتٌ قرآنيةٌ عديدةٌ ضمن "مجلة الوعي الإسلاميِّ"، وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية- الكويت، وذلك في الأعداد التالية: (649، 656، 662، 676، 681، 685، 686، 689، 682).

البريد الشبكي: abdennasser4sabah@gmail.com


غلاف العدد 14



How to Cite

Salama , abdennasser. 2023. “‘the Qur’an’s Approach in Establishing Kinship and Demonstrating Its virtues’”. Tadabbur Journal 7 (14):296:189. https://doi.org/10.62488/1720-007-014-003.