The policy followed by the magazine in the open accessibility, intellectual property and publication rights

Accessibility Agreement along with indicating to Intellectual Property, Copyright and Open Access Rights:

First: Fees:
The journal does not impose any any publishing fees to authors, nor any fees owing to the availability of its content on the Internet in accordance with the Creative Commons license, and indicating the author and publisher.
Second: Indicating to the intellectual property, copyrights, and open access right:
According to the Budapest Initiative 2002; tadabbur Journal, which is issued by Khibrat Taibah For Research and Studies in Medina, provides free open access to its publications, and applies the Creative Commons license:
Attribution- Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) for the works it publishes from peer-reviewed scientific research and reports, which are freely available on the Internet, and which allows any user to read, download, copy, and distribute (Convert), print, search, or create links to the full texts of the journal’s research and publications, and analyze them in an automatic manner for discovering them, sending them as software data, or using them for any other legal purpose, without financial, legal, or other technical barriers beyond those related to Internet access.
It also highlight that the only barrier to reproduction and distribution, and the only role of copyright in this field, is the necessity of granting the authors of the journal’s research and reports and the publisher the journal; Control over their works, and the right to official recognition and reference citations.
* Tadabbur journal publishes its editions as free open access; With respect to intellectual property rights, the content of this site may be downloaded/printed for convenient reading free of charge, reproduced/copied/stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means under the Creative Commons License, and referring to the author, journal and publisher.
* The information mentioned in the site or the issues and research published, and its opinions, express the views of the authors and relevant parties or participants in the journal, and not the publisher.
* The publisher and the journal are not responsible for any type of direct/indirect loss/damage to any individual or organization, resulting from the use of information provided, or related to this agreement.