The purposes of Allah’s Trials from a Quranic perspective: A Thematic Study


  • Dr. Bey Zekkoub Abdelali Associate Professor, the Department of Qur’an and its Sciences, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Al-Madinah International University, Malaysia



: Rationales- tribulation and trial- the Noble Quran- good and evil-exegetes


This research examines the rationales behind tribulations from a Quranic perspective. It aims to shed light on the objectives of tribulations as reflected in the Noble Quran because of their doctrinal, educational, and moral impacts on the Muslim's life. It also employs the inductive analytical and the deductive approaches. The research found that the main rationale behind tribulation is to elicit the meanings of servitude to Allâh alone from the afflicted person's psyche and find out about the extent of his religiousness by burdening him with distress, hardship and agony. The research concluded the main rationales behind tribulation in accordance with the Noble Quran, analyzed and explored them, which reached twelve Quranic purposes according to the researcher. This is designed to be a guiding way of preserving and maximizing divine blessings and warding off new types of misfortunes. This is because tribulation shows the spiritual states of those in trouble as well as the extent of their compliance with religious obligations and prohibitions and their responsiveness to Allâh and the Prophet (may Allâh's blessings and peace be upon him). All of this varies from one person to another according to the strength of his faith, sensemaking and the rationales behind tribulations and trials.

issu 12,tadabbur,journal



How to Cite

Bey Zekkoub , Bey Zekkoub. 2022. “The Purposes of Allah’s Trials from a Quranic Perspective: A Thematic Study”. Tadabbur Journal 6 (12):22-155.