Research topic: Man from creation to resurrection; Reflections on Surat Al-Insan.


  • Ahmed Mohamed elshwemy Mr. Associate Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences at the Islamic University of Madinah



Human, Creating, resurrection, Deliberation, Qur’an, Occasions, deduction


Research Objectives: This research represents a modest effort in which the researcher aims to study Surat Al-Insan an objective study to determine its characteristics and characteristics. He dealt with the most prominent issues that the surah talked about, with a statement of their consistency, harmony and integration, and among these issues: the division of people into thankful and unbeliever, the qualities that were characterized by them, as well as what was prepared for them of promises and threats, and the fate of each group of them, and other issues that included it The surah, and I relied in the research on the inductive deductive method. At the end of the research, the researcher reached several conclusions; Among the most important of them:

  • The Holy Qur’an has taken a unique approach in raising a person, and this approach is based on foundations based on directing the discourse to him, and a combination of encouragement and intimidation.
  • The surah is specialized in several matters; Including: at length describing the conditions of the people of Paradise and the bliss they are in, and explaining the types of their drink in it, and singling out some words, including salsabil, ginger, and al-Qamatir.
  • Arranging the good reward and the bliss that resides on patience of all kinds; On obedience, on disobedience, and on the predestination of God.
  • That God does not gather two fears for His servants, nor does He gather two security for them; Whoever fears him in this world will make him safe on the Day of Resurrection, and whoever is safe in this world will fear him on the Day of Resurrection.
  • That this world is the abode of work and trial, and that the Hereafter is the abode of reckoning and recompense, so whoever does not work here will regret there.
  • that the one who stands for a long time in prayer day and night for God, and endures hardships for his sake in his pleasure and obedience; It is easy for him to stand on the Day of Resurrection and easy for him.
  • The surah charts a practical approach for the callers to God × who follow it and are guided by it in the path of their calling.

Keywords: Human, Creating, resurrection, Deliberation, Qur’an, Occasions, deduction

Author Biography

Ahmed Mohamed elshwemy Mr., Associate Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences at the Islamic University of Madinah

 حصل على درجة البكالوريوس من كلية الحديث والدراسات الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة.

حصل على درجة الماجستير من كلية القرآن الكريم والدراسات الإسلامية بالجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة بأطروحته: تفسير جزء عم للعصام الإسفراييني (943ه) دراسةً وتحقيقًا.

باحث بمرحلة الدكتوراة بقسم التفسير وعلوم القرآن بالجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة.



بعض النتاج العلمي:

  • تفسير جزء عم للعصام الإسفراييني (دراسةً وتحقيقًا).
  • الفوائد المستنبطة من القصص القرآنية من تفسير الشيخ ابن سعدي رحمه الله.
  • الحكمة من وجود المشكل في القرآن الكريم.


غلاف العدد 13



How to Cite

elshwemy , Ahmed. 2024. “ Reflections on Surat Al-Insan”. Tadabbur Journal 7 (13):358:301.