The method of agitation and inflammation in the Holy Qur’an


  • Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Sanad bin Rashid Al-Ruhaili Associate Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences at Taibah University



Irritability, Inflame, applied study, books of interpretation .


This research means studying one of the methods of Arabic rhetoric and its verses related to the Holy Qur’an , its called “ Irritability and inflame “ And the study is applied on verses of Noble Qur’an through books of interpretation .

And the research included Introduction and two Searches:

The First : Defining method of Irritability and Inflame, the first one to invent it, its purposes, and it has three demands .

The Second : An applied study of the method of Irritability and inflame in the Holy Qur’an, there has (26) place in it in the books of interpretation .

Most Important Objectives of the study was : Highlighting the effects that people will benefit from by adhering to the method of the Noble Qur’an, and explaining the role of art of Irritability and Inflame in contemplating the Holy Qur’an and being affected by it .


The most important Results of the study :

1- The rhetorical value of the art of Irritability and Inflame lies in urging people and strengthening their resolve to comply with the commands of Allah the Almighty and to avoid his wrath and prohibitions.

2- The wisdom of art of Irritability and Inflame to influence the listener and energize him through his multiple purposes .

3- The study of rhetorical methods and their avant-gardes in the Holy Qur’an, especially the art of Irritability and Inflame, reveals the depth of meaning, reveals its various secrets, and helps to manage it and then act upon it.

Keywords: Irritability, Inflame, applied study, books of interpretation .

Author Biography

Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Sanad bin Rashid Al-Ruhaili, Associate Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences at Taibah University

أستاذ التفسير وعلوم القرآن المشارك بجامعة طيبة

حصل على درجة الماجستير من الجامعة الإسلامية  كلية القرآن الكريم والدراسات الإسلامية   بأطروحته التقريب في التفسير للعلامة محمد بن مسعود السيرافي من أول سورة المؤمنون إلى آخر سورة (ص) دراسةً وتحقيقاً.

حصل على درجة الدكتوراه من الجامعة الإسلامية  كلية القرآن الكريم والدراسات الإسلامية   كلية   بأطروحته المؤلفات في مشكل القرآن الكريم ومناهجها.


بعض النتاج العلمي:

1- حل الإشكال الوارد في قوله تعالى: (وإن منكم إلا واردها).

2- اسم الله الواسع (معانيه- دلالاته- آثار معرفته- لطائف اقترانه) دراسة تفسيرية.

3- ملكة الذوق عند المفسِّر وأثرها في إبراز جمال الجملة القرآنية


غلاف العدد 13



How to Cite

Al-Ruhaili, Abdul Rahman. 2024. “The Method of Agitation and Inflammation in the Holy Qur’an”. Tadabbur Journal 7 (13):299:245.