Things that nullify Good Deeds according to the Sura of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) An objective study


  • Dr. Badria Saeed Al-Wadei Associate Professor of Tafsir and Quranic Sciences, the University of Najran



Nullification, counteract, unbelief


The research addresses an objective study on the things that nullify good deeds as reflected in the Sura of Muhammad (may Allâh’s blessings and peace be upon him) and aims to identify the reasons why good deeds can be neutralized. The word “’amal” (deed) and its different derivatives occur twelve times in the Sura in question.
I relied on the deductive inductive approach in addition to studying, analysis and connection.

 Main findings:

1-  Allâh is completely aware of His servants’ deeds and He holds them accountable for them, be they good or bad. Whoever performs good deeds will receive a generous reward while wrongdoers will be punished.

2-  Misdeeds are normalized for their perpetrators as a punishment appropriate for following their personal inclinations and their incompliance with the commands of Allâh.

3-  The nullifiers of good deeds, the most serious of which is unbelief, are to be avoided.

4-  Practicing Jihad is the best devotion that preserves a servant’s reward and righteous deeds.

The things that counteract the nullifiers of a believer’s good deeds are as follows:

1- Faith and obedience to Allâh and His Prophet.

2- Practicing Jihad against enemies.

3- Not to make unconditional concessions to the enemies.

Author Biography

Dr. Badria Saeed Al-Wadei, Associate Professor of Tafsir and Quranic Sciences, the University of Najran

She obtained her master's degree entitled: "Interpretation of the Noble Qur'an in the Encyclopedia of "The End of God" by Al-Nuwayri, a study and investigation at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University. She obtained her doctoral thesis entitled "Interpretation of Mubarak's Commentary on the Interpretation of the Noble Qur'an, by Ahmed bin Abi Bakr Al-Balqini (844 AH)", study and investigation, Imam Mohamed bin Saud Islamic University. Some scientific output: 1- "The increases contained in the right of believers and the right of the disbelievers in the Holy Qur'an, an objective study." 2- "The eloquence of the Qur'anic dialogue, the dialogue of the prophets with their children as a model, a rhetorical study." 3- "The Verses of Money and Man in the Holy Qur'an, A Rhetorical Study".
issu 11,tadabbur,journal



How to Cite

Al-Wadei, Badria Saeed. 2021. “Things That Nullify Good Deeds According to the Sura of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) An Objective Study”. Tadabbur Journal 6 (11):125-95.