Beings receiving Divine Protection according to the Sura of Al-Hijr


  • Dr. Hamid bin Adnan Al-Ansari Assistant professor at the Department of Tafsir and Quranic Sciences, the College of the Noble Quran and Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Madinah.



Beings receiving Divine Protection, mentioned, Sura - Al-Hijr


 Objectives of the research:

The research aims to reflect on the Sura of Al-Hijr through its reference to divine protection and discuss this topic by clarifying the meaning of protection for those whom Allâh, the Almighty, means by quoting relevant material from Islamic law and referring to the views of the exegetes and others who have dealt with this subject within the scope of the meanings of the verses in question.

 Methodology of the research:

First, identifying the objectives of the research through presentation and discussion, and using the available references of exegesis and other related literature.

Second, documenting all quotations with little alteration in some cases.

Third, referencing the Quranic verses by mentioning the names of the Suras and their numbers.

Fourth, Attributing hadiths and transmitted accounts mentioned in the research, indicating their levels of authenticity with the help of the opinions of trustworthy scholars of Hadith, in case the hadith or the transmitted account are not quoted from the two Sahihs or either of them.

Fifthly, doing an objective study on the relevant verses while employing the traditional and modern books of exegesis and clarifying the relationship between the Sura and the one preceding it as well as the subjects covered by the Sura in question.

issu 11,tadabbur,journal



How to Cite

Al-Ansari, Hamid bin Adnan. 2021. “Beings Receiving Divine Protection According to the Sura of Al-Hijr”. Tadabbur Journal 6 (11):81-123.