A report on academic research titled: The effectiveness of a proposed program in developing some skills of contemplating Qur’anic texts among secondary school students in the Al-Baha region


  • Prof/ Adel Meshal Aziz Alghamdi أستاذ المناهج وطرق التدريس بجامعة أم القرى-السعودية.



the Quran is the Foundation for Islamic culture that we cherish, is life and guidance and mercy for the worlds, and his great stature, is another heavenly books descent, down by Jibreel on Prophet Muhammad PBUH disfiguration and master of messengers.

     As the great Qur'an place big call came to ponder and learn and what is God doing it and avoid what God forbade God said: :  كتاب أنزلناه إليك مبارك ليدبروا آياته (Surat sad)

That the examiner and the orbiter for Koranic studies and research noted that it emphasizes the issue of handling the Koran, focusing on the learning approach is recognized, so that through him learning the book of Allaah and the compliance of its, so be practical behaviour appears in various aspects of Muslim life.

And reflective of the reality of the Quran in schools today noted the lack of attention to the issue of forethought, making the Quran dominated by traditional method that is not beneficial to the learner when he learned of the book of Allaah recitation and memorization.

     From here take care of the researcher in this study by the forethought and suggest a programme with test its effectiveness in the development of some Qur'anic texts management skills in high school students.

Goals: 1-detection skills of management texts Koranic could be developed among secondary school students.

  1. preparation of a proposed programme to develop skills in management of Koranic school students.
  2. to study the effectiveness of the proposed programme in developing the skills of management texts Koranic students secondary.

Methodology: descriptive analytical skills list building Qur'anic management among secondary school students. Use semi pilot curriculum workout program proposal, the program features almost demo that examines the phenomenon in which the researcher introduced variable or new variables or the latest changes in one or more of the agent is based on the design of the pilot groups (Taught unit established in the proposed programme for the development of some Qur'anic texts management skills among students in third grade), officer (and studying the same unit with traditional method), and then apply the study tools applied to experimental groups webadia backwards and control.

Sample: the sample was selected from the Dar Al-Faisal school eligibility under the supervision of the Department of education's Baha area, and the number of their members (40) students.

Results: there is a statistically significant difference at the level indication (0.01) between the middle grades students in the experimental group and the control group in the application post for testing measuring skills in management of Koranic texts secondary school students in the three dimensions (skills relating to personal aspects of the consideration, skills related to scientific aspects of the consideration, Skills on practical aspects in the management of the Quran) for students in the experimental group. -There is a statistically significant difference at the level indication (0.01) between intermediate degrees of tribal and dimensional application application to experimental group students in college class to test for measuring the skills management Qur'anic Among secondary school students in favor of the application. There is a correlation between the dimensions function test measuring skills in management of Koranic school students (After the skills related to personal aspects of the consideration, the following skills on the scientific aspects of the consideration, the following skills on practical aspects in the management of the Quran).

Author Biography

Prof/ Adel Meshal Aziz Alghamdi, أستاذ المناهج وطرق التدريس بجامعة أم القرى-السعودية.

  • أستاذ المناهج وطرق التدريس بجامعة أم القرى-السعودية.
  • أستاذ المناهج وطرق التدريس بجامعة الباحة سابقا.
  • حصل على شهادة البكالوريوس في تخصص الدراسات القرآنية من كلية المعلمين في أبها.
  • حصل على درجة الماجستير في تخصص مناهج وطرق تدريس التربية الإسلامية من جامعة أم القرى،  
  • حصل على درجة الدكتوراة في تخصص مناهج وطرق تدريس التربية الإسلامية من جامعة أم القرى،  

بعض النتاج العلمي:

  • حصل على جائزة التميز في التعليم بجامعة أم القرى.
  • مؤلف كتاب: طريقك إلى الاحتراف في التدريس والتدريب.
  • نشر مجموعة من الأبحاث العلمية في مجلات علمية محكمة داخليا وخارجيا.
  • مشرف ومناقش للعديد من الرسائل العلمية في مرحلتي الماجستير والدكتوراه.
  • محكم علمي في مجموعة من المجلات العلمية التربوية المحكمة.
  • عضو في جمعيات علمية متنوعة.
  • رئيس وعضو في جمعيات أهلية معتمدة.
  • مدرب ومستشار أسري وتربوي.
  • حضور العديد من المؤتمرات والندوات وورش العمل داخليا وخارجيا.
issu 17,tadabbur,journal cover



How to Cite

Alghamdi, Adel Meshal Aziz. 2024. “A Report on Academic Research Titled: The Effectiveness of a Proposed Program in Developing Some Skills of Contemplating Qur’anic Texts Among Secondary School Students in the Al-Baha Region”. Tadabbur Journal 9 (17):477:495. https://ojs.tadabburmag.sa/index.php/tadabburmag/article/view/101.



تقارير المجلة العلمية
